SerenDestiny #2: Are You Setting SerenDestiny in Motion?

Have you ever acted on a hunch and something wonderful happened?

Whatever you call hunches, good things happen when you honor them. They’re almost always right.

Several years ago, I was discussing the concept of serendipity — the so-called happy accidents when we meet the right person at the right time and right place — with my sons.

I could tell Tom and Andrew were really intrigued. Later that night, Andrew came up and said, “I really like that concept of SerenDestiny.”

Out of the mouths of teens.

Ever since that night, I have studied this topic and interviewed hundreds of people, asking them “What is SerenDestiny?”

I’ve learned a lot, including:

1. We set SerenDestiny in motion when we act on our hunches.

2. SerenDestiny is meeting our best future halfway – it’s leading a life we love.

3. SerenDestiny gives us more control over our life than we think.

4. SerenDestiny is no accident – it’s a result of making congruent choices at Crucial Crossroads.

I have been asked to share my SerenDestiny story and research at the TEDx-NASA conference.

You’ve heard of the TED conferences featuring “presentations of a lifetime” from Bill Gates, Bono and Sir Richard Branson?

TED is expanding globally vis their TEDx programs, and NASA will be sponsoring a full day conference featuring a dozen different thought-leaders including Tuesdays with Morrie author Mitch Albom.The good news is, it’s being streamed live so you can see Mitch and all the other speakers in action (including me) even if you can’t be there in person.

Check it out at

In my next blog, I’ll share more of the insights I’ve gained about this fascinating topic of SerenDestiny — including how YOU can unleash its force for good in your life.

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